Senior Care

An essential service to help detect and manage health conditions in aging pets.

Our team is honoured to watch your pet grow and thrive from their early years as puppies and kittens until they reach senior age. As your loyal companion enters their golden years, they require more attention and specialized care. You may already notice that they are not as energetic as they used to be and that they now enjoy a slower pace. Older pets are also more susceptible to certain diseases such as arthritis and dental problems. You can rest assured that our team will be here for you and guide you through this chapter of your pet’s life.

When is my pet considered a senior?

Seniority may differ based on breeds in some pets. For example, bigger breeds of dogs are considered seniors from age 5 or 6, while smaller breed dogs are classified as seniors between 8 and 10-years-old. Meanwhile, cats are generally considered seniors from 8-years-old. Even if your pet falls into any of these ages they may fall into different seniority levels. To learn more about what seniority level your pet falls in, call us at 250-724-4444.

My pet is greying around the chest. Is this a sign that they may be considered a senior?

Yes! Greying around the chest, muzzle and on top of the head are signs that your pet is getting older. The signs don’t show up overnight, but with regular inspection of your pet you may notice some slight changes. You should always inform your veterinarian of any changes you notice. Other signs to look out for are:

  • Hearing problems
  • Increase or decrease in eating, drinking and urinating
  • Lumps
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Less energy
  • Confusion due to dementia

What are common health issues in senior pets?

Seniors are more prone to developing illness which is why we strongly encourage routine veterinary exams to catch underlying issues and determine your pet’s baseline health levels. Once baseline health is established, we can compare test results to the ones we get during their senior years. Our hospital regularly treats senior pets for diabetes, hormone disorder, cancer, dementia and arthritis. Your pet has a better chance of fighting the disease if it is caught in the earlier stages so you should have them checked at least once every year.

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