Ultrasound and X-ray

Safe diagnostic options for detecting anomalies in your pet's internal organs.

Your cherished loyal companions aren’t able to communicate how they are feeling and what is going on inside their bodies. This is why diagnostic testing is important to learn about your pet’s well-being. Ultrasounds and X-rays (Radiographs) are great diagnostic tools as they don’t cause pain or require surgery. With X-rays and ultrasound, we are able to view images of the internal organs and structures of your pet. We encourage you to call us at 250-724-4444 to learn more about X-rays and ultrasounds.

What are ultrasounds and X-rays used for in pets?

Ultrasounds can be used to examine the liver, kidney, gallbladder and the heart. By using ultrasounds our veterinarians can detect tumours, fluids, cysts and pregnancies. We use radiographs to check for gallstones and arthritis among other things. To get a more accurate diagnosis, most times our veterinarians will perform both procedures together to rule out issues and detect illnesses the other tool may not be able to register.

How do X-rays and ultrasounds work in pets?

Both procedures require special training to perform and interpret the results. All of our veterinarians and technicians are certified to carry out the procedures and work carefully to ensure your pet gets the right diagnosis and treatment.

Radiographs use a small amount of radiation to capture images in your pet. The procedure is completely safe and even after repeated radiation exposure it is unlikely that your pet will experience any long-term health issues. The exposure to radiation is even lessened by the use of digital X-rays which is what we use in our practice. Light rays are aimed at an area of interest and the hard organs and bones absorb this light. As the rays are absorbed, images are taken of the organs and structures.

To get a clear view of the soft tissues, we may shave the area of interest on your pet. At our hospital, a trained sonographer applies gel to the shaved area then moves the transducer wand over the skin. The transducer emits sound waves that echo and create detailed images show on a monitor.

Do ultrasounds and X-rays require anesthesia or sedation?

Not necessarily. Our team works gently with pets to get them relaxed during both procedures. However, there are instances where pets may become uncomfortable and move about too much which may affect the results. In these cases we may administer a sedative or short-acting general anesthesia.

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